Upcoming Live Online Events
These are highly interactive conferences utilizing unique technologies for interaction with other attendees. Therefore, please use the GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER for access to all features and functionality when attending our live events.
Conferences at EMSPurchasing.com
This is our ‘improvement project’ for creating a better way to make major EMS purchasing decisions. It combines a series of online conferences with a resource center to make a better informed, faster, and less expensive purchasing decisions. Each conference in our series covers a particular ‘category’ of technology. After the conference, the content is moved into our resource center for year-round on-demand access.
- EMS Resuscitation Technology and Services Conference – June 28 – July 1, 2021. (Registration will open in mid-June)
EMS and Systems of Care Webinar Series
Our series of webinars presented in collaboration with the American College of Cardiology is designed to help you take clinical quality in your EMS agency or an entire system of care for time sensitive conditions up to the next level.
- Costly Errors in the Misdiagnosis of Data Variation – When monitoring the performance of a clinical or non-clinical process, it is easy to misinterpret the variations that can occur. Sometimes variations are expected and some are from ‘special causes’ that need to be recognized and addressed. Unfortunately, misinterpreting normal for ‘special cause’ variation or vice versa can have consequences, often severe. As an example, counter-productive corrective actions can occur if a normal variation in the EMS STEMI Alert accuracy rates is mistaken to be an actual performance problem – leading to a loss of time, resources, money and clinical quality. This webinar explores:
- The differential diagnosis of normal and special cause data variation
- The potential consequences from misdiagnosis of data variations
- Tools that can dramatically improve the accuracy of your data variation diagnoses
Join Mic Gunderson and moderators Tim Phalen and Tom Bouthillet for this important webinar for taking your EMS and time sensitive systems of care quality efforts to the next level.
Date: Tuesday, June 22
Time: 2 p.m. Eastern